VS 2020TM

Self Guided Entrance Exams

The VS 2020TM is a premium virtual reality platform engineered to enhance patient engagement, reduce staff involvement, and deliver objective measurements. Our platform automates seven essential exams on one device, providing consistent and objective results.

Our self-guided technology allows patients to complete entrance exams independently, reducing staff time spent on these exams.

Unlocking insights for subjective exams

TrueTracTM, our innovative eye tracking technology, precisely interprets eye movements for measured, objective results.

Improving Workflow

Our testing platform helps streamline entrance exams, allowing multiple patients to be monitored at the same time.

Expanding reach

Conduct exams anywhere, anytime, including remote locations. Results can be evaluated from any networked device.

What sets VS 2020TM apart?

7 Exams One Platform

  • Pupil response
  • Eye motility
  • Eye alignment, alternative cover test
  • Eye alignment, unilateral cover/ uncover
  • Color vision
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • Screening visual field

TrueTracTM Navigation Technology

A hands-free experience with gaze-based navigation, eliminating the need for a handheld controller and reducing fixation losses.

Dynamic Viewing

The testing process can be facillitated from any web browser. Create patient-specific testing menus and monitor their progress in real-time.

Insightful Reporting

Results are reported in a summarized, familiar format for quick review, with the option of detailed and longitudinal views to support monitoring your patient over time.

The VS 2020 is not a diagnostic/screening device for specific ocular or systemic diseases and only furnishes additional data prior to a full examination performed by a licensed eye care provider. TwentyTwenty, Inc. does not offer advice in the diagnostic interpretation of ocular tests. It is the clinician’s responsibility to make diagnostic interpretations of the VS 2020 results.
The VS 2020 assessments should not be used in isolation from either clinical judgment or other measures and risk factors for ocular disease diagnosis or progression detection.

MKT-01003 Rev B